(+39) 0522.631055
Covid-19 – 14/03 Updatings
15 Mar

Covid-19 – 14/03 Updatings

On last Saturday, the new shared protocol for regulating measures to combat and contain the spread of the virus in the workplaces was signed by Government and social partners.

This protocol provides, among others, new requirements for the management of production environments, and also new ways of managing company entrances.

The GENERAL prescriptions, valid for all those who must go to the company, including workers, suppliers, etc … are as follows.


Entry to our factories is not permitted to anyone who:

  1. in the last 15 days have had contacts with subjects tested positive for COVID-19 or come from areas at risk according to the indications of the WHO.
  2. have any of the following symptoms:
    • Temperature above 37 ° C (which can be checked by our staff before entry)
    • Cough
    • Physical discomfort (fatigue, breathing difficulties, etc.)

ALL external access to the company must be PREVENTIVELY agreed with our staff.
Visitors who are NOT previously authorized will not be accepted.

Furthermore, please take note of the following ADDITIONAL prescriptions with respect to the above:

  • DRIVERS : they must remain on board their own vehicles. Access to the plants is not allowed for any reason.
    For the necessary loading / unloading, document delivery activities, the driver must necessarily wait inside his vehicle, or in any case, if equipped with a mask and gloves, he can go down and maintain a distance from our staff of at least 2 meters.
  • EXTERNAL SUPPLIERS (cleaning companies, maintenance, other): before entering they may be subjected to body temperature checks. f it is above 37 °, or in any case in the presence of other suspicious symptoms, access will not be allowed


We also inform you that, most of our employees staff, from Monday 16 March will work in smart-working from their home.

Remote assistance is carried out with Microsoft Teams , looking for your contact through the company email.

In case you don’t use this tool, please prefer email contact over telephone contact through our switchboard, however operational.

WE are sure that you will understand the need to respect these fundamental provisions in order to be able to continue our business in maximum safety for everybody.


Forza Italia !