(+39) 0522.631055


Thing of Quality have no fear of Time

QualityIn 1995, after more than twenty years of activity, F.M. achieves one of the most important aims in the path of a company that wishes to keep up with times: the recognition of quality system companyThis is a crucial step because it is logical, a moment that rewards and calls to continue improving again, and be collaborators on which you can rely. Custom satisfaction is also the satisfaction of those working to produce it.

In April 2004, F.M. gets the upgrade of its quality system according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000The certification has been updated in April 2009 to the new UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, outcome that rewards the continuous improvement policy that the company and its employees have always pursued.


I don’t want to protect the environment
I want to create a world where environment doesn’t need protecting

EnvironmentIn December 2010 FM obtained the environmental management system UNI EN ISO 14001 which joins the other already obtained certifications: i.e. the Quality (ISO9001) and Safety (BS-OHSAS18001) ones. This document gives evidence to the fact that the company has an appropriate structure that monitors its activities’ environmental impact while improving them systematically in a coherent, effective and above all sustainable way.

General principles, underlying the development of a  complying attitude, are: the search for better technologies with low environmental impact; the reducing of nonrenewable resources consumption; innovative design for products recycling; discharges reduction both in air and liquid processing.

Specifically, FM aims to minimize, or completely ban the use of substances (chemical or not) that may be harmful to people and to the environment, choosing the best alternatives where possible. Moreover, during the creation of new products, technicians and designers, consider from the very beginning (since the drawing board) factors such as safety, quality and environmental impact.

Another purpose of FM is to extend the concept of environmental awareness: the policy in favour of the ecosystem protection is also spread through suppliers who must consider these principles during their everyday activities. This sharing of values is possible only through a company policy that tends to establish long term partnerships with suppliers, helping them everyday to create a system focused on health and safety care.

The achievement of this important certification, represents for FM the development of a virtuous path that testifies the desire to improve a business ethics aimed at protecting people, at the correct management of all aspects of production and at environmental protection. Quality, Safety, and Environment Managements show a strong will and awareness towards important issues oriented to ensure a quality of life for the Future.


No Job is so important that we can’t take the time
to perform it safely
[Mike Shavers]

SafetyAs evidence of the strong commitment to continuous improvement, FM was awarded in January 2009 with the Management of its System of Safety and Health care of Workers OSHAS18001 (IIP certificate No. 7 Italian Institute of Plastics, downloadable from Download area of our website).

This certification allows its staff, its customers and generally all business partners, to know the hard work spent by FM S.r.l. within the Security circle; efforts made to increase the care to prevention and to control workplaces, to minimize the risk of accidents, to increase the staff satisfaction and to improve the working atmosphere.

The international standard BS OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) defines, in fact, the modes by which a company identifies and assesses risks related to its activities, in order to better manage them and improve their own performances, as well as making systematic testing, knowledge and awareness of all possible risks involved in situations of normal and extraordinary working activity.

The achievement of this important certification, represents for FM S.r.l. the development of a virtuous course that shows the will to strengthen a business ethics aimed at protecting people, at the proper management of all aspects of production and at the environmental protection.

Download updated certificates in Download menu